Picking up the quickbuild kit
Well, the day finally arrived. Our quickbuild kit was ready for pickup in Oregon, so Kelly and I took the train down to Oregon to pick it up. It was kind of a roundabout way to get there–train to Portland, hang out with our friend Seth, another train to Oregon City, spend the night there, then a cab to Canby to pick up the U-Haul, then drive to Aurora.
Here we are getting a tour of the factory while our kit is being loaded:
And here’s my goofy grin standing next to the loaded truck.
Unfortunately, as soon as we left Van’s, the engine coolant temp light came on. It turns out the heater core had a leak. The U-Haul repair guy came relatively quickly, but we did end up losing 3 hours while he fixed it. We finally got home and unloaded everything into the garage. It fits, but there’s not much extra room.
The next day, we dropped off the canopy top at Kelly’s dad’s house for storage until we need it.
We didn’t succeed in finishing the tailcone before the QB kits were ready to pick up, but we’re close–a few weeks away. After inventorying the QB kit, we’ll get back to the tail.