In the last week, I continued fitting the left door, getting it to the point that it’s mounted to the hinges and can open and close reasonably well. I’m waiting until I have the door seals (from McMaster-Carr) before doing …
Last weekend, Kelly and I started two major tasks: doors and firewall forward (FWF).
The doors on the RV-10 are notoriously difficult and frustrating to get right. You have to fit them just right on the cabin top, which involves …
We have heard that building, fitting, and attaching both doors can take as much as 40 hours each to complete 🙁 Rob jumped right into this big part of the project this past weekend. Hopefully we can complete both doors …
Now that all of the instruments are talking we were able to rivet on the instrument panel and canopy. It is really starting to look like an airplane now.