Working on the right door

I did the right door initial trim after gluing, and am very pleased with how it matches the contour of the cabin top.

Now that the door fit well *on* the cabin top, it was time to trim it to make it sit *in* the cabin top.  I got it to fit reasonably well, so then it was time to attach the hinges.  Kelly got a couple shots of me doing that.

Once the door fit well enough to shut completely, I installed the latch mechanism.  No pics of me building it, but here’s what it looks like installed.

Note the exterior handle is missing.  We’ll do that later.

Here’s a picture of the worst fitting part of either door.  On the aft side of the right door, the door sits as much as 3/32″ above the canopy top in one place.  We’ll definitely need some epoxy/micro to make that look decent.