Mounting the Engine
This weekend was finally the time to mount the engine. The fuselage, in its current position, would require the engine hoist to be on the driveway to mount the engine. Unfortunately, our driveway is uneven and has a decent slope, so we decided to turn the airplane around and do the engine mounting in the garage. With the fuselage on the wheels, moving it around is no problem. I had just recently bought a tow bar made especially for the RV-10, so it was even easier. Kelly had to be on the tail, because without the engine, it was still tail heavy.
Our friends Derek, Brad, Adrienne, and Hugh showed up to help out. We needed to rearrange some more stuff to get ready. We also had to raise the engine crate a little higher to get the hoist under it.
With everything arranged and the hoist attached, it was time to move.
Check out warning number 4 on the load leveler. Not sure what that’s about.
With the engine close and the rubber mounts installed, we just needed to get the bolts in and tightened. Kelly was omnipresent with the camera.
Job done! Here’s a picture of everyone (except Kelly).
Here’s Kelly 🙂
Full frontal!