Engine controls and even more wiring

Hard to tell from the picture above, but I’ve been doing a lot of wiring lately.  I’d say it’s about 95% done now.  You can see the engine controls are in now (bottom center of the panel).  It’s a common question from non-pilots, so here’s a description of what the engine controls (colored knobs) do:

  • leftmost, small, black knob – alternate air control – Pull this to open a door on the bottom of the air box, which lets in air in cases where the main opening is blocked by something like ice or an unlucky bird
  • black knob – throttle – Controls power to the engine
  • blue knob – propeller control – controls the speed of the propeller
  • red knob – mixture – controls the fuel/air mixture going into the engine.  You adjust this based on the air density, power being produced, and other factors
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