Finishing the Airport Move

With the successful fuselage move the previous weekend, it was time to move everything else.  “Everything else” includes the wings, workbenches, tools, tail pieces, and all the other miscellaneous airplane-related stuff in the garage. This meant getting a 24′ U-Haul truck.

The most awkward and fragile pieces were the wings, so we handled those first.

Thanks to Adrienne and Brad (again) for helping us load or unload a truck.  They helped us get the wings and other heavy stuff loaded.

This is pretty much everything loaded up.

We also loaded up the ol’ Cruiser for the trip.  That’s the vertical stabilizer on top, wrapped in the blanket.

We went to the airport and, wow, was it cold and windy.  The two of us unloaded everything except the wings rather uneventfully.  Kelly’s dad showed up to help us unload the wings, which was a huge help.  Rather than put the wings on the ground, we decided to just put them on with the temporary bolts, since it takes at least 3 to mount the wing, and we had the help handy.  I don’t think we’ll need to take the wings off again.  Here it is with just the left wing mounted.

Here we are mounting the right wing.  I’m glad I didn’t know at the time Kelly was taking a picture while holding up the wingtip.

Here are a couple pictures after we got the right wing on.  By this time it was getting pretty dark (which means just after 5 p.m. this time of year in Seattle).

While we had the help, we also put on the horizontal stabilizer.

Looking like an airplane now.

Of course, no “moving to the airport” post is complete without a Kelly victory.  Here’s our living room without airplane wings.

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