Finishing Fresh Air Vents

Someone emailed me a question about how I did the front seat air vents, so thought I should describe it here, since it’s not a standard installation.  I couldn’t use the plastic pieces from Van’s, because my panel extends about 1/2-3/4″ lower than the standard one.  What I did was cut those plastic pieces close to the point where they’re glued together.  This gave me something I could clamp a 2″ SCAT tube to.  On the other end of the tube, I used RTV to attach a 2″ aluminum eyeball vent.  Instead of the SCAT tube, though, I used a SCEET tube, because the wire stayed put more easily and the extra layer of silicone made the tube more rigid.  All I needed was a short (2-3″) section of SCEET between the two.  My biggest concern was the lack of rigidity, since it’s unsupported, but it seems to be okay.

I don’t have a good close-up picture, but you can see the final result in this panel pic.

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