2013 Cross-Country Trip Day 6: Little Rock to Montgomery

Whaddya know?  Another beautiful morning!  We’ve really lucked out with the weather to this point, aside from the first day.

One of the boys

At this point, the mornings were becoming something of a ritual.  Kelly was inside feeding Cooper and watching him crawl around, while I preflighted and loaded the airplane.

Cooper enjoying the FBO facilities

With great weather and the knowledge that we had only a single, hopefully relaxing, 2-hour flight planned for the day, we headed out.

Socks: the perfect in-flight meal

The flight itself was unremarkable.  We did need to deviate for an MOA that went active, and we needed to descend through a scattered/broken layer as we approached Montgomery.  When we landed, we were happy to have made it to our destination, 2100+ miles from home, and were ready for a few days of relaxing on Lake Martin with family.

Made it!

Tip for rental cars at Montgomery: the airline terminal is just a couple hundred yards from the FBO, and the rate I got from the Enterprise counter there was ridiculously low (less than $20/day).

Day 6 Route

Next: Day 11: Montgomery to Austin

Previous: Day 5: Erie to Little Rock

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