Hard to tell from the picture above, but I’ve been doing a lot of wiring lately. I’d say it’s about 95% done now. You can see the engine controls are in now (bottom center of the panel). It’s a common …
We’ve been doing more firewall forward work, too. Here you can see the current state of things (around mid-August).
You can see the breather tube in the picture above. This is near the top of the engine and vents the …
Apologies for the lack of updates. Work has been busy, so we’ve been spending most of the airplane time doing work, rather than writing about it.
The fiberglass comes with a ton of holes (known as “pinholes”) that need to …
We’ve been making progress here and there on the wiring over the past few weeks. It’s not yet done, but it is at the point that we can test some of it. As such, we connected the battery and fired …
The filtered air box (FAB) attaches to the air intake on the bottom of the engine. It basically directs the air from the cowl inlet, through a filter, and up into the engine. It also has an “alternate air” door …
Finishing up some odds and ends, we hadn’t yet glued the windows into the doors. These were the easiest windows, since we could put the door horizontal (so didn’t need the little tabs to hold the window on) and the …