Kelly left town today, so I spent most of the day working. First up: rivet the HS nose ribs to the skins–a huge pain. A little searching online revealed that this is widely regarded as one of the more difficult …
All we did tonight is put the HS skins in the cradle and cleco the nose ribs in place. We found it worked best to cleco the nose ribs to one side of the skin, put the skin in the …
Tonight we finished riveting the inspar ribs to the front spar (aside from the innermost and outermost). Next up: riveting the nose ribs to the skins.…
With all the HS pieces deburred, dimpled, and primed, we’re finally getting to the HS assembly steps. Since we purchased this kit partially-complete, this also happened to be my first time riveting since the class I took back in April. …
The kit’s previous owner had already primed the front spar, inspar ribs, stringers, and stringer web. That left the nose ribs, rear spar, and skins. We’re prepping by scuffing with ScotchBrite and cleaning with acetone. For primer, we’re using SEM …
First time using the countersinking cages. Took a while to get everything set up correctly and decide whether I prefer the air drill or the cordless. I decided on the air drill, though I think that has something to do …
Not much exciting here. I deburred a bunch of holes, then introduced Kelly to the DRDT-2 dimpler. The DRDT-2 really is as great as everyone says it is.
I am so happy to report that the many tools and components to the airplane kit have now been contained! We had a great trip to Costco to pick up 2 shelving units and a gigantic tool box. All of
Rob found a man selling his partially completed tail kit located in Bend, Oregon. We took the Civic down, loaded up the Uhaul and then caravaned back. It was a long trip, but exciting as it officially starts our airplane …